Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Chapter 6

6.The Evil-Looking Boatmen

Montgomery saves Prendick again after Prendick gets kicked out of the ship. Prendick goes to a island and finds a man on the beach, introducing himself.

Chapter 5

5. The man who had nowhere to go.

Prendick wakes up next morning, hearing violent sounds from the drunken captain. The captain eventually was thrown into the ocean and goes to the island where Montgomery was going.

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Chapter 4

4. At the Schooner's Rail

Prendick gets curious about the island. Prendick did not asked any question to Montgomery.
On that night, Montgomery does not tells the secret of the island.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Chapter 3

3. The Strange Face

Prendick and Montgomery finds this wierd looking man who was rejected by the captain of the ship, after Prendick gets his mind back.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Chapter 2

2. The man who was going nowhere

A man name Montgomery saves Edward Prendick. Prendick, as he opend his eyes finds himself in a cabin which is untidy and small. Montgomery gave Edward foods to eat and tells him what was happening.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Chapter 1

1. In the Dingey of the "Lady Vain"

Three survived from the disasterous shipwreck of "Lady Vain". The main character, Edward Prendick, and with 2 other survivor left in the middle of the ocean and eventually dies from hunger. Only the main character Edward survies and gets rescued soon.