Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Reading the Island of Doctor Moreau

Reading this book had been a great experience for me even though it was difficult to read the whole 22 chapters. It was boring reading first five chapters. I had difficult time understanding every words written in every chapters. But as I read every pages over and over until I finally understood.

The book described every moment that Prendick was in danger very specifically. It was freaky when the book described when Moreau was killed. Through reading this book, it was exiting and risky as Prendick experience many strange moment in the island looking at strange looking creatures like the beastman.

I personally does not recommend this book to younger kids. It is because there are certain parts when creatures gets murdered, and human like Prendick, as he stays with the beastman intend to act and become more like it. But over all, the story was interesting and fun book to read.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Chapter 22

Prendick was discovered in the island. Prendick gets motionless and afraid to go back to the human land.

Chapter 21

Prendick lives with the beastman. After some time, the beastman and Prendick ends up as an animal. Prendick escapes from the island.

Chapter 20

The Beastman gets crazy after killing.


Montgomery and Prendick finds suspicious about their surroung, the Beastman. Prendick, Montgomery and the Beastman gets drunk and ended up beastman killing Montgomery and other Beastmans.

Chapter 18

Prendick, Montgomery and M'ling (Beastman) went out to found Moreau, but found Moreau dead.

Chapter 17

Prendick's arm broke after 6 weeks after the incident by chasing after the puma. They wanted to use the Puma for the experiments.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Chapter 16

prendick and Montgomery went to an island. They Prendick saw many strange things which one of them was a rabbit dead with its head cut off. It was similar to the view that Prendick saw in the forest. Montgomery, as he listened to Prendick describing what he saw, Montogomery decided to search some beastman who knew the blood taste. Montgomery told Moreau calling every beastman in the island. After a while, they found a leopard-man was the one whom tasted and got it killed.

Chapter 15

Chapter 15 describes specific about the island and the beatman.

Chapter 14

Moreau tries this scientific experiments.

Chapter 13

Prendick was found and once again after running away from the beastman, gets chased by Moreau and Montgomery. Moreau and Montgomery calms Prendick down and has some talks.
Prendick goes back to Montgomery.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Chapter 12

Prendick hears this "laws" from the beastman. Montgomery finds Prendick staying with the beastman and tells it to hold on to Prendick. Prendick gets suspicious and escapes from the beastman again.

Chapter 11

Prendick gets freaked out and escapes from the house and hides inside the forest. Prendick meets this beastman which could barely communicate with Prendick. Prendick stays with the beastman.

Chapter 10

Prendick hears horrible scream outside of his door next morning. He tries to open the door to see what was going on outside. The door was locked and eventually, Prendick opens the door and sees bones, blood and Moreau outside.

Chapter 9

Prendick finds this strange looking animals as he explore around the island. Prenick decides to go back.

Chapter 8

Prendick and Montgomery was having lunch together. They hears a noise from Puma coming out outside of the room. Prendick asks questions about all these suspicious things happening in the island, but Montgomery ignores. Prendick gets more suspicious.

Chapter 7

Prendick stays in a room which was given by the man whom Prendick met in the beach. The room had a door which the man told Prendick to never open it. As Prendick stays in the room, he remembers the story about a scientist whom was kicked out of the country about 10 years ago. Prendick gets nervous and suspicious about Montgomery was doing in the island.