Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Chapter 16

prendick and Montgomery went to an island. They Prendick saw many strange things which one of them was a rabbit dead with its head cut off. It was similar to the view that Prendick saw in the forest. Montgomery, as he listened to Prendick describing what he saw, Montogomery decided to search some beastman who knew the blood taste. Montgomery told Moreau calling every beastman in the island. After a while, they found a leopard-man was the one whom tasted and got it killed.


Angelo Sisante said...

Joseph Jang! You have to make your summaries longer because I dont think that you did not explain the story that well. And even though that you did not write much even some of your sentences have mistakes in them. YOU NEED TO WORK HARDER!!!

JUDY said...

How are you going to finish the book reviews and the interview, when in fact, you didn't even finish your book? You only got one night left, so work really hard and good luck.