Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Reading the Island of Doctor Moreau

Reading this book had been a great experience for me even though it was difficult to read the whole 22 chapters. It was boring reading first five chapters. I had difficult time understanding every words written in every chapters. But as I read every pages over and over until I finally understood.

The book described every moment that Prendick was in danger very specifically. It was freaky when the book described when Moreau was killed. Through reading this book, it was exiting and risky as Prendick experience many strange moment in the island looking at strange looking creatures like the beastman.

I personally does not recommend this book to younger kids. It is because there are certain parts when creatures gets murdered, and human like Prendick, as he stays with the beastman intend to act and become more like it. But over all, the story was interesting and fun book to read.

1 comment:

Anonymous Scout said...

Where is the spritual dimension aspect, the link post, the interview, and the extra credit.

I am sad that you did not finish all of the parts of this project.